About Us
Find out more about the friendly faces behind The Oxbridge Medics
Hello! We’re Anthony and Macky, and we’re The Oxbridge Medics. We’re both graduates of the University of Cambridge and passionate about delivering education to the highest standard to students wanting to be in the top percentiles of their cohort. If you’re a student (or parent of one) who is looking to get those top grades in exams, or with a view to apply to competitive University courses, especially in medicine or at Oxbridge, feel free to contact us and find out how we can best help you turn your educational aspirations into reality! You can read more about us individually below:

Macky Padilla is a final year medical student from Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge. Having 4+ years experience tutoring students from KS2 to A-Level, in all 3 Sciences and Mathematics, from all around the world, from China, Dubai and the UK.
Macky was able to secure an offer to study medicine from University College London (UCL), the University of Nottingham as well as the University of Cambridge. Macky also achieved a Upper Second Class Honours degree in Psychology, Neuroscience and Developement. During his time in medical school, Macky has been able to publish a number of research articles across the field of Psychology and Psychiatry. Including publications such as "Trazodone and patient outcomes in dementia-Limitations of naturalistic cohort data" and "Refinement of the stress-enhanced fear learning model of post-traumatic stress disorder: a behavioural and molecular analysis". Including academic successes, Macky has been honoured to be able work be on various university society committees, including being President of the Medical Education Society (EdMedSoc) and the William Harvey Theatrical Society.
Macky Padilla

Anthony Lim
Anthony Lim is a final year medical student studying at Gonville & Caius college, at the University of Cambridge. He has over 6 years’ experience of tutoring GCSE, A-level, and prospective Oxbridge and medical school applicants. With 11 Grade 9 equivalents at GCSE and 5 A*s at A-levels, he is well-versed in both content and exam-technique in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Further Maths. He gained multiple awards in numerous maths and science Olympiads throughout secondary school, including representing the UK at the 2017 International Chemistry Olympiad in Thailand.
During his own Oxbridge and medical school application he scored highly in the BMAT and UCAT entrance exams, including achieving one of the highest UCAT scores in the country with 97%. In addition to the University of Cambridge, Anthony gained offers from Imperial College London, University College London (UCL) and Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry (Queen Mary, University of London). Throughout medical school Anthony continued his academic success, achieving more than 10 academic awards and scholarships throughout and getting a 1st Class Honours degree in Physiology, Development and Neuroscience.